Ceramicist Kay Wright is intrigued by the patterns found in nature – she uses her own techniques, developed to emulate natural elements, to create award-winning ceramic pieces, fired in her own hand-built kilns. With a passion for experimenting in alternative-firing techniques, using locally sourced organic matter – gum leaves, bark, fruit peel, sawdust, banana tree leaves, hay, feathers, seaweed, macadamia nut shells, egg shells, pandanus fruit, palm leaves, Kay experiments with anything that she find lying on the ground on her Lake Weyba property, mixed with minerals and oxides in the firing process. The serendipitous nature and uncertainty of this process means the results are often unpredictable, sometimes surprising but always unique.

While inspired with saggar firings, she finds the process of Raku firing equally as exciting, unpredictable and dynamic – not knowing what the outcome will be drives her to keep going with her craft.

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